The future of religious life will look radically different from the assumptions we make of it now; you're shaping the new vision!

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*we are ❤️ !

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I'm so grateful to read this, Emily. Thank you for these reflections and this vision. I feel like I'm in the midst of an internal spiritual reckoning and it feels pretty scary most of the time. Reading this gave me a feeling of peace and eagerness that I haven't felt for a while.

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OH and with this ethos or charism, I could FOR SURE be a nun too...let me know when you start accepting applications.

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Thanks for being here Victoria. 💛 We are not meant to do any of this alone! Cultivating community around shared values and spirituality is nourishing and life saving.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by em(ily) liptow

Mission = life purpose, and that’s what drives healthy self love and love for others. I, too, have always been fascinated with religious communities, be they Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Muslim. I marvel at their focus on the priority of sharing, refusing excess, learning and teaching with such joy.

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Yes! A sense of mission and purpose is so energizing. It brings fulfillment and makes priorities clear.

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